Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Writing Mommy

I sat down to write a really awesome blog post about how much I write and what I write about and what gives me inspiration. BUT (yup there it is) as I clicked to post that awesome gif of Jenny Schecter, my kids all woke up. It's as if the click of the mouse signified my need to be productive and it woke everyone up!!

I will admit, trying to write while raising children is an endless challenge. Especially if I have a productive work week (I sub at the local elementary school) and I can only write when they are home. I know I'm not the only human being that is trying to make a substantial contribution to the literary world while dealing with other obligations. It's just that when you are in the midst of a huge breakthrough and your children say, "Hey, Mom" all those little inspirational birdies fly away never to return.

For instance, I rewrote the last sentence three time while fighting with a six year old about buying gold bricks in some stupid Lego game on the iPad. (No, I will not go down the I hate technology road. You're welcome.)

So, how do I keep going? Well, I write. (stops to answer my husband's phone call.) Between phone calls and cooking meals and breaking up fights, I write. On anything I can get my hands on.  Anywhere I find inspiration.

Now, I must get something done before someone realizes I just wrote a whole blog post!

The way I see it, someday I will get a few minutes of silence to...  (did I mention it's a snow day here?)

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